CD Dome
CD Dome
In my search for inexpensive modelling materials, I came
across the free CD.
CDs are widely used by ISPs to distribute their internet
access software. They are subsidised to the point where
they are available free of charge.
So: here's a dome made out of CDs and plastic cable ties:

CD dome - from the front
Quite a few of the CDs are AOL "Shrek 2" CDs. A few spare
CDs of this type can be seen scattered around the dome.
There are also a range of old magazine cover discs,
scratched CDs, obsolete CDRs and coasters.

CD Dome - from the top
This structure is a tensegrity. It consists of a mixture of
structural components and tension only components - and the tension
components are critical to the overall structural integrity.
I've never come across any tensegrity structures made using
circular structural elements before - so as far as I know
this is a somewhat novel structure.

The dome - from the inside
Transparent CDR "endpiece" CDs are used to form a window -
and this is visible on the inside view - at the top.
The CDs in the model are "shingled" - in an attempt to keep
out the rain. However the holes in the centres of the CDs
are too large for this to be terribly effective.
This is a small CD dome - and the high curvature stresses
the CDs - and quite a few were broken while making this
Significantly larger CD domes along these lines should be
possible - and hopefully they will not suffer so much from
the bending stresses that are present in this small
I strongly suspect that my construction only scratches the
surface of the tensegrity models that are possible using CDs
and string.
While I don't yet have any concrete designs, I
suspect it may be possible to construct Snelson-
style "floating compression" structures from these
components - without making grooves in the edges of
the CDs - by a process involving wrapping the string around
the CD and passing it through its hole.
Rainbow Bits - George Hart
Rainbow Bits construction - George Hart
More rainbow Bits - George Hart
Propello octahedron - George Hart
Stretto - George Hart
Chronosynclastic Infundibulum - George Hart
Labia - George Hart
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